How To Submit Your Gojek Clone App To The App Store In 2024

gojek clone app to app store

Featured is when an on-demand multi-service app, such as Gojek Clone, gets featured in app store by becoming a favorite on the store. This is the most effective source of organic traffic and a great way to increase views and installs. To be included in the Favorites (collections) section of the App Store, the application must be of high quality, understandable to the user, solve a specific problem and work without failures.


In addition to the opportunity to be chosen randomly, you have the opportunity to submit an application for featuring, thereby drawing the attention of the editors to your application. In Apple’s advice, such initiatives are highly encouraged, and if your application has a unique story, send it to the editors of the store. For a new app or major update, you should submit your application six to eight weeks before launch. Despite the fact that the featuring mechanisms are not so transparent, applications have common features. Therefore, after analyzing such factors, here are some basic tips for featuring in the App Store.

Get Your Gojek Clone App Featured in the App Store

There is no universal scheme for getting into the featured page of Apple’s App Store, but there are a number of methods and tips that have evolved under the influence of time. For an On-Demand Multi-Service Super App like Gojek Clone, here are the things you should do to aim for the spot in the featured page:

Comparative Analysis

Analyze your Gojek Clone app and its closest competitors that were included in the editor’s selections. It is worth paying attention to the visual elements and perhaps you will discover some trends, features of icons and screenshot design that helped the Gojek Clone get featured. Remember, the editors’ choice is the people’s choice, and visual elements are the shortest path to users.

Be sure to look at your application through the eyes of users, and therefore through the eyes of moderators. Also evaluate the functionality that you have and what your competitors can boast of. Through this analysis, you can highlight those features that set competitors’ applications apart and try to implement something similar, or even something better.

Apple API and regular updates

Developing a Gojek Clone based on Apple guidelines is an important plus on the path to featuring. After all, in essence, featured apps include successfully implemented services that can be created using technologies of the same name. The UX will also be more unified, as Xcode provides ready-made solutions for navigation and design elements. For example, the UI design guide for developers has simple requirements such as interactivity, readability, graphics, and clarity.

The layout is suitable for the screen of the device on which it will be displayed. Users should be able to see the main content without zooming or scrolling horizontally. Controls designed for touch gestures should be easy to use; consider their size and location.

Text must be at least 11 points in size to be readable at normal viewing distances without scaling. Make sure that the text is contrasting and the font is readable. Don’t forget about indents and line spacing. Furthermore, images must be in high resolution, with the correct aspect ratio to avoid distortion. Above everything, all controls should be positioned according to the logic of the content they control. Alignment and spacing should be consistent for a coherent and clear picture of the contents of the layout.

Localizing Your Gojek Clone

The wider the geography of your Gojek Clone, the better. Let’s think from the App Store side about what is the point of recommending your Gojek Clone to a wide range of users when it is available only in a limited area or is localized for a narrow range of users. Optimizing every localization is the cornerstone of ASO.

The need to take into account the peculiarities of language, culture, and national characteristics. Just remember the difference in spelling, but the difference in spelling is half the trouble. Let’s leave philology – successful localization is not just copy-paste of English text. It is also worth mentioning the importance of translating the visual elements of the application page – especially the focus labels.

Seasons and Holidays

By releasing updates around holidays such as Christmas, Valentine, Pride Month or New Year, you increase your chances of getting featured. After all, before these holidays, editors are compiling additional lists of selected seasonal applications. Moreover, release updates early. Apple recommends submitting your feature request in advance. Therefore, if you want to get into the seasonal selection, the updates should come out much earlier than the holiday itself.

User Experience

User experience is an important part of the app’s usability. Track how your customers behave in your Gojek Clone, what screens they go to, where they linger, and at what points they exit the application. In this case it is very convenient to draw up a user journey map. One of the most important Apple Human-Centric guideline is to create a functional app by designing a wireframe that seamlessly takes the user from one step to another in a shortest way possible. You can even integrate several accessibility features into your Gojek Clone related to hearing, vision and color perception.

Ratings and Reviews

Good apps receive good ratings – 90% of applications included in the selections are rated from 4 to 5. You can read about the importance of ratings and reviews, as well as about the tools that help you with these processes in the Apple’s main website as well. It is important to monitor the proportional relationship between the increase in rating and reviews. Comments are a more significant factor because they provide specifics.

Describe Elaborately

At a minimum, you must provide information with name and email, and at maximum, tell the features and details about your team. The more people know about you, the more likely they are to get featured. When talking about your team, be sure to highlight its gender, racial, and other diversity.

Start with the reasons why you think your Gojek Clone should be featured. New applications are often chosen, as well as applications that have prepared a major update, which will radically change the user experience of interacting with it. Also note the capabilities of your application in terms of children’s use or some other features.

You have the opportunity to share your story along the way of creating the super app – what your team went through during development, what ideas inspired you and what goals were set. The presentation style can be anything, but you can and should talk about your application here.

Your Gojek Clone Is Featured In The App Store

Featuring is a wonderful opportunity to introduce yourself to the store and users. An excellent source of organic install growth, monetization revenue growth, etc. Featuring does not equal success, but it certainly increases your chances of achieving it. Don’t forget that featuring will somewhat disrupt your orderly picture of app analytics and make it difficult to evaluate other promotion methods. You will NOT get featured if:

  • app is unfinished, there are errors in it, etc. Only a high-quality product will be released to a wide audience;
  • app is not updated. An application abandoned by the developers will not interest the editor;
  • the app page is ugly and ill-conceived. There should be a description of the user experience, good design, and screenshots;
  • the app has a rating below 4-4.5;

Featuring an already published application is possible, for example, if a major update occurs. Editors care about the scale of what is happening.


Apple loves everything new, so if the Gojek Clone is maximally adapted to the functions of the latest version of iOS, they will like it. Therefore, it’s best to contact a professional white-label firm to buy a ready-made Gojek Clone app compatible with all the Apple’ App Store guidelines. The customization of the script takes merely 1-2 weeks to complete so that you can launch your multi-service on-demand business with a scalable and robust app.

About Us:- Sana Ahmed is an expert writer at & in UAE and has experience of 8 years. She regularly writes for well-known guest posting websites and magazines. She usually writes blogs on sports, technology, traveling, and designing.

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